November 23, 2009

Hybrid Car Converter

Hybrid Car Converter

Exclusive summary about Hybrid Car Converter By Eduardo Zambrano

You don't need to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to buy a hybrid. Instead, you can convert your current car into a hybrid.

If we separate the water molecules into 2 parts of hydrogen and 1 part of oxygen through the process of electrolysis, a new gas is produced. This gas is referred to as Browns gas or HHO gas (Oxyhydrogen) and is a fuel much more potent and safer than gasoline.

Only small modifications to your car's engine are needed to make a car run on Browns gas. It doesn't make any difference whether you have a car, a truck or SUV, the Brown's gas technology works for all types of vehicles. Burning water for fuel is not only great for gas mileage, but it helps save the planet and pays you too, it's a win-win for you and your environment.

How to Convert Car to Hybrid - Learn How to Convert Car to Hybrid

Many people today are converting their cars to run on alternative fuel , instead of buying a new hybrid car. Burning water for fuel is not only great for gas mileage, but it helps save the planet and pays you too, it's a win-win for you and your environment.

By using an effective Hybrid Car Conversion Kit, you can modify your engine to burn HHO. HHO gas is extracted from water through the process of electrolysis. Using electricity from the car's battery, we separate the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen ( HHO or Browns gas) and introduce it into the intake manifold. Very little water is needed, only one quart of water (tap water) provides over 1800 gallons of HHO gas which can literally last for months and significantly increase gas mileage and improve emissions quality.

A week battery may not adequately convert the water to gas.

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